Sunday, July 13, 2014

Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 07:47:11 -0700
Subject: Re: Week #3

Alright so...this week was also pretty freaking awesome! So... i went to vegas you know for a DAY trip. LONGEST.DAY.OF.MY.LIFE.  I left for the airport at 4:30 AM, and Randy drove us to the airport!!!! i was SO excited!!!! he basically told me his whole life story. His wife is some crazy hick girl who wrestles alligators in florida! NO JOKE!!!! I saw pictures and everything!!!!! Not that I had a crush on Randy or anything, but i was wanting to hang out with him after my mission...but I know that there's no way that's going to happen now! I can't compete with a Gator Wrestling girl!!!! so i get to vegas and get my visas and everything is fine and dandy and then around 2ish we got dropped back off at the airport for our 6pm flight. So i wasnt very excited for waiting in the airport for 4 hours until my plane came....i should learn not to be so ungrateful..... the plane kept on getting delayed and delayed and i didnt end up getting on a plane until 11pm!!! and i didnt get back to the MTC until almost 3AM! I SAT IN THE AIRPORT FOR 8 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the end of it i was sitting on the floor and just doing my charcoal drawing haha. But a lot of people actually came up to us and asked us about the church and what they were doing. We even gave one lady a book of mormon. Probably not what she expected to get on her vegas trip! haha.

So I pretty much love riding the buses here. Its one of my favorite things to do because the bus drivers are so cool and we have some pretty good conversations about Chia Pets. I also got the "emergency exits" speech down pretty well, the bus drivers even let me get on the microphone and tell it to everyone before we go anywhere so they don't have to. I've done it quite a few times now and i think i finally got it perfected. It goes a little something like this:

"Good Afternoon Hermanas and Elders of the bus. Its a beautiful day for bus driving, but in case it gets not-so-beautiful there are emergency exits all along the windows to my right where the orange bars are. There are also two emergency exits on the top, one in front, one in back. If the bus bursts into flames, please use this fire extinguisher on my right. And if you get a paper cut, there is a first aid kit on my left. Please keep all arms, legs, and companions in the bus at all time and please, no flash photography. On behalf of myself and the bus driver, thank you for choosing us for all your traveling needs and have a wonderful day here at the MTC"

I should probably work at disneyland or something when i get back cuz i think its a hidden talent of mine.

So we got a new investigator this week, her name is Nayella. Our lessons with her are so awesome. She has a lot of questions about the church so its great! My other lessons have been going pretty well too. I leave the MTC in like 11 days!!!!! what.the.heck. I'm still a gringa!!!!! But i'm pretty freaking excited :) 

So the piano player that i like is Paul Cardall. Ask Cameron what music would be good to put on not really sure what other music to put on there, but thank you! I appreciate all the hard work you are putting into it.

Did you ever get the letter i sent you guys?
Have you contacted the missionaries for Kylar yet? 

Well I love you! Have an Awesome week!!!

Love, Bert

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